Thanks Again Barry, I was in quite a predicament as I knew nothing about diamond selection. After giving myself a crash course on the internet I set out to find the perfect diamond for my wife to be. I wasn't impressed with the service of the other websites out there. Fortunately, I came across Kobe Mark Diamonds,They had a huge selection and listed the price, many websites didnt. Another selling point was being in California I was subject to an alomost 10% sales tax if I had bought diamond locally. 10% on these figures is a pretty good chunk that I would rather keep in my pocket than give it to the state.
I called for more info and was pleasantly surprised with Barry's follow up and patience..I selected the diamond wired the money and received a beautiful stone. I had a local jewler mount it who commented that the stone was beautiful...Needless to say, I will be calling Berry for my Diamond needs..Im not one to give testimonials but these guys are great!! I really scored..Im posting a picture of it so check it out..Its the one in the shell how it was presented on the beach in Maui.
by moccak9 on Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:48 am